Interview with the antichrist full movie online
Interview with the antichrist full movie online

interview with the antichrist full movie online

If you do anything this year that matters, make it a priority to read, study your Bible, and pray. Obama in the end became a law unto himself, and for himself, and his “legacy” That is the tendency of sinful man. Our hope is steadfast and sure in Christ, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the Bible, the Word of God. Trump is no different, that is why we should pray for him and hold him accountable. All politicians lie, and all people in power tend toward tyranny if left unchecked by law and other institutions. Maybe he will do some good, at this point I have no idea, but one thing I do know–the kingdoms of the world do not, as a rule, follow the principles of the Kingdom of God. One word of caution about all of this: although I am very thankful that Hillary did not win, my hope is not in a man like Donald Trump.

interview with the antichrist full movie online

on November 8, 2016, when I realized that Hillary Clinton was not going to win the chair in the Oval Office. If I ever drew a sigh of relief on an election night, it was about 8:30pm Eastern time in the U.S. Trump was not my pick for president, but I must confess he is better than the alternative, the corrupt Clinton’s and their influence peddling money machine. Good or bad, we will have to wait to see the outcome. In spite of planned riots and other contrived marches on Washington by disgruntled special interest groups, and other fake outrage, President Trump is busy with his agenda. As you all know, Donald Trump took the oath of office last Friday and is now the new President of the United States. The year 2017 is already off to an interesting start for UFO news, political developments, and other related information.

Interview with the antichrist full movie online